A SMARTVESTOR PRO is vetted by Dave Ramsey and his team to help you.
All SmartVestor Pros agree to the SmartVestor Code of Conduct which includes placing your best interest in front of any others. We believe that everyone deserves access to solid, professional investing guidance. Our position as a SmartVestor Pro is derived from our years of experience in the financial industry and our passion to help others.
Step 1 – Which baby step are you?
Determining which step you are currently working on will help us identify which Vision Wealth Advisor professional is best for you.

Baby Step 1 – Save $1,000 to start an emergency fund
Baby Step 2 – Payoff all debt using the debt snowball method
Baby Step 3 – Save 3-6 months of expenses for emergencies

Baby Step 4 – Invest 15% of your income into ROTH IRAs and retirement funds
Baby Step 5 – Save for your children’s college fund
Baby Step 6 – Pay off your home early
Baby Step 7 – Build wealth and give
Step 2 – Work with your Vision Wealth Advisor
Our advisors will create a personalized plan for you to help you achieve your goals of reaching Baby Step 7
Step 3 – Customize your portfolio
Our advisors will help you determine the percentage of your money that is needed in each of Dave’s four fund categories which will be determined by your risk tolerance and your time horizon identified by your financial plan.